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Resultados 1-10 de 14.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2018The Sociocultural Identity Construction of Transnational English Teachers in a Mexican EFL ContextISAAC FRAUSTO HERNANDEZ
may-2017Exploring Language Learner Identity, Learner Socialization and Language Learning in Young English Language LearnersANA GUADALUPE AVILES HERNANDEZ
mar-2017Perceptions of a Constructivist Approach in a Bilingual School CommunityELIZABETH FLORES VILLALOBOS
may-2021A teachers and her students’ perceptions about implementing translation-related activities in an English as a foreign language classroom at the University of GuanajuatoMaría de Lourdes Martínez Ruiz
may-2019Exploring teachers’ provision of oral corrective feedback in a private language institute in Toluca, State of MexicoVeronica Andrea Escobar Mejía
feb-2018Exploring a dual language charter school through the perceptions of parents, teachers, and studentsALEXIS ADRIANA LOZANO
2017Upper-Intermediate Students' Perceptions on the Factors that Have Influenced Their LearningSUSANA VANEGAS URIOSTEGUI
mar-2018A Case Study on Foreign Language Teachers’ Beliefs about Classroom Management in a Large Public University in Central MexicoMARIA DEL ROSARIO GARCIA HERNANDEZ
2022From Face-to-Face to Online Teaching: The Case of Six English Teachers towards the Change of ModalityJhon Alejandro Marín González
2022Exploring Schema Theory and Music Semantics in Learning in the EFL Classroom at a Private Primary School in León, GuanajuatoFABIOLA MARTÍNEZ GUERRERO