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Título: Abortion in public international law and comparative perspectives: approaches and challenges
Autor: Elena Dorothy Estrada Tanck
ID del Autor: info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/95879
Resumen: This article will map and analyze the main trends that public international law, comparative law and transnational perspectives have followed when approaching the issue of abortion. It will examine the way in which the legal argumentation and interpretation is constructed, the approximations and criteria legal scholars, legislators and courts have adopted in selecting the points of comparison, as well as the varied subjects, rights and social values that enter under scrutiny when coping with this matter. It will do so under the main referential framework of international human rights law and doctrine, as an approach through which academic outlooks, legislative positions and practical instances regarding abortion can be studied, considering the universal values and objectives which serve as the foundation of such rights. / Dorothy Estrada-Tanck
Fecha de publicación: 26-jun-2018
Editorial: Universidad de Guanajuato. División de Derecho, Política y Gobierno, Departamento de Derecho
Licencia: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0
URI: http://repositorio.ugto.mx/handle/20.500.12059/7092
Idioma: eng
Aparece en las colecciones:Ciencia Jurídica - Artículos

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