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Title: Exposición a Fluoruros en Infantes (0 A 3 Años) Residentes de Zonas con Hidrofluorosis
Authors' IDs: info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/239404
Abstract: The main source of potable water in Mexico is the underground water characterized by the high concentrations of F, the population more vulnerable to this exposition are the children. In this studio the levels of F in urine, faucet and bottled water and in breastmilk, milk of cow and formula milk were quantified by ion selective electrode (ISE), this levels were measured on children, residents in a zone with hidrofluorisis , from 0 to 34 months. A 64.9% of the levels of F in the water of the area are above the ones indicated in the norm. A 70 % of the bottled water produced from the bottlers business showed concentrations above the level set by the norm NOM 041. The formula milk displayed highest levels in comparison with the cow milk and the breastmilk (0.88, 0.65, 0.29 mg/L respectively). The levels on the urine were 1.1±1.2 mg/L increasing since the 19 months (p<0.05). The means of the doses of exposition to F in the 3 types of milk doesn’t represent a risk, however for the formula and cow milk exists a 10% of infants that may surpass the reference dose of 0.06 mg/kg/day for dental fluorosis. The exposition to F on children may suggest a risk for the development of dental fluorosis and effects to the central nervous system.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universidad de Guanajuato
Language: spa
Appears in Collections:Revista Jóvenes en la Ciencia

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