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dc.description.abstractEl estilo de vida de las personas ha cambiado drásticamente, esto afecta su salud y calidad de vida, por lo que se deberían implementar estrategias terapéuticas innovadoras, tales como el Reiki, que impacten en el cuidado de los pacientes y sus familias, mejorando su estado de salud. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del cuidado de enfermería, mediante la terapia Reiki, en la salud percibida del cuidador primario del paciente hospitalizado. Material y Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, pre-experimental con pre-prueba y post prueba. Se captaron 20 cuidadores primarios en las unidades de hospitalización, del Hospital General de Celaya, Gto., México. Se utilizó el cuestionario de salud SF-36 validado en población mexicana. Se analizaron los datos con rangos Wilcolxon. Resultados: Los cuidadores primarios tenían 39.30 ± 12.54 años, 8.10 ± 4.77 años estudiados; 100% eran mujeres, 75% se dedicaban al hogar, 65% estaban casadas. Respecto a la salud percibida en general se encontró z=-2.91, observándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas posterior a la intervención con terapia Reiki (p=0.004), es decir, sintieron mejoría en su estado de salud. Discusión: Los sujetos de estudio mostraron mejoría en la dimensión "dolor corporal", esto acorde con Coakley, y en sus relaciones sociales, hecho referido por Marcus, además mencionaron lograr sensaciones de paz, felicidad y calma, bienestar consigo mismos, haber dejado de llorar por sensaciones de culpa y por sentirse solos en el proceso de enfermedad y hospitalización de su familiar. Conclusión: El cuidado de enfermería, mediante la aplicación de la terapia Reiki, mejoró la salud percibida de los cuidadores primarios.es_MX
dc.publisherUniversidad de Guanajuatoes_MX
dc.subject.classificationCCS- Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermeríaes_MX
dc.titleEfecto del cuidado de enfermería en la salud percibida del cuidador primario del paciente hospitalizadoes_MX
dc.subject.keywordsCuidador primarioes_MX
dc.subject.keywordsPersona principal que atiende al pacientees_MX
dc.subject.keywordsSalud percibidaes_MX
dc.subject.keywordsTerapia Reikies_MX
dc.subject.keywordsPrimary Caregiveren
dc.subject.keywordsPrimary person who looks after the patienten
dc.subject.keywordsPerceived healthen
dc.subject.keywordsReiki therapyen
dc.contributor.twoVICENTE BELTRAN CAMPOSes_MX
dc.description.abstractEnglishPeople’s life style has changed drastically, so this has affected their health and quality of life. For this reason, it is important to implement innovative therapeutic strategies, such as Reiky therapy, that can have an impact on the patients’ care and their families, improving the state of health of the person who looks after the hospitalized patient. Objective: To determine the effect of the infirmary care, by means of Reiky therapy, in the perceived health of the primary person who is looking after the hospitalized patient. Material and Methods: Pre-experimental quantitative study, with pre-proof and post-proof. We worked with 20 primary persons who were looking after their patients, in the hospital facilities of the General Hospital in Celaya, Gto., México. We utilized the health questionnaire SF-36 validated in the Mexican population. We analyzed the data with Wilcolxon ranges. Results: The primary persons who were looking after their patients were 39.30 ± 12.54 years old, and had studied 8.10 ± 4.77 years; 100% were women, 75% were housewives and 65% were married. With respect to their perceived health, in general, we found z=-2.91, observing significant differences statistically after the intervention with Reiki therapy (p=0.004), that is, they felt better and their state of health improved. Discussion: The individuals of this study showed an improvement in their “corporal pains” according with Coakley, and in their social relationships, a fact referred by Marcus, and they also mentioned that they had sensations of peace, happiness and calm, a well-being with themselves, they had stopped crying because of guilt sensations and for feeling alone in the process of their patients’ illness and hospitalization. Conclution: The infirmary care, by means of using the Reiki therapy, improved the perceived health of the primary persons who were looking after the patients.en
Appears in Collections:Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería

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